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2010 Elections . . .




TBN and Channel Seven have desired to present the nation with information to assist our nation in the forth coming elections enabling the nation to make informed decisions when voting. We searched for ways and angles on how to present such a task. While doing research we found that the South African Voters Guide compiled a document containing eight important aspects to consider when voting for a party. We sent the document out to all the Namibian political parties and the following are some of the responses we have received. 

  • The South African Voter’s Guide                                     Click Here for more >>>

  • Site that critiqued the SA Voter’s Guide                                                                                                     Click Here for more >>>

  • Namibian political party manifestos                                Click Here for more >>>

We pray this information will assist you in evaluating and finally selecting a party that you fully agree with.

How Political Party's Presidents responded to various questions . . . (see news page)


Please let us know how the information on this site assisted you or what extra information you needed for these elections. Your comments are appreciated.

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