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“I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.”
Romans 10: 20

Monthly News for July 2004

We are on the verge of a breakthrough!

The Great Commission is still to preach the Gospel to EVERY CREATURE!

The biggest challenge we still have to address is to get space on satellite to send our signal over our nation to be able to downlink it in every city, town, nook and village.


We have approached the NBC who has spare space on their satellite of which they sell to private radio stations. Please pray with us that God will grant us favour and that we will get an opening to get now on satellite.

We know we are standing on the verge of a breakthrough, and with your prayers we can make it!

Come partners and friends, let us pray and trust God for a breakthrough in control of the airwaves of Namibia! I can see our breakthrough as we stand together in prayer for victory in this area. Namibia needs YOU and us, and Together We CAN Make it!


Oshakati Hier Kom Ons !

Ons toerusting vir Oshakati het geland! Sat-Com sal binne die volgende 2 weke begin met die installasie van ons senders en antennas in Oshakati.

Die antennas behoort op ‘n vlak van ongeveer 170 meter opgestel te word. Jesus regeer en Hy is in beheer! Ons eis ook hierdie gedeelte op vir Christus en verklaar in die geloof dat Satan ook hier sy gesag verloor het! Wie kan staan teen die Heer van die Leërskare en Sy matige Woord? Ons gee Hom al die eer!


We NEED more prayer partners!
As you can see- we have taken up the responsibility of sharing Jesus Christ with everybody in our nation via the television. We believe it is the strongest medium currently available on this earth and as God has trusted us with this mighty tool, we have to respond to the call put on our lives.

REMEMBER: God has brought you across our lives because you might also have a part to play in sharing this gospel with the people of our nation. If you are not a Praise Club Partner yet, why don’t you prayerfully consider becoming one? Phone us during office hours at (064) 40 1100 and tell us that you want to become a Praise Club Partner. In sharing this great burden with us, you will also share in the glory of every soul saved! Can you imagine Jesus saying personally to YOU! “WELL DONE my friend! You have been faithful over little; I will put you in charge of much.”(Matt 25:21)


Ons Programme op ons Webadres:

Spaar die onnodige gewag en ontvang jou program deur e-pos dieselfde dag wat ons nuwe programme gepos word. Besoek ons webwerf by: en kies “Programme Schedule”. Dan kan jy by die program aflaai en terselfdertyd sommer “Subscribe” vir toekomstige aflewerings.

Ek, Edna en ons hele span hier by TBN bid elke dag vir ons partners en vertrou dat die Vader julle sal omvou met Sy wonderlike liefde en teenwoordigheid. Ons glo Hy ontmoet elke nood en hulpkreet oorvloediglik.

Liefdegroete in Sy wonderlike Naam,

Coenie & Edna en TBN Span


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Rekening Naam: TBN
Bank: Bank Windhoek
Tak: Swakopmund
Takkode: 481-772
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